Am I a Narcissist Quiz? Psychiatry or Myths?
By: Denis Priesnov
Updated: about 1 year ago
Narcissus is a beautiful spring flower and a famous Greek mythos character. I’m sure you know him well. And I’m sure you know that his particular legend gave the name to a psychological disorder. But also, there are those non-clinical cases where you see slight traces of narcissism in regular people. In this case, the signs are milder and mainly focus on the egoistical aspects of a personality. In this narcissism quiz, we’ll be taking a look at both categories and checking what signs you display most. Or you may be free of these issues at all! Who knows. Are you ready to answer some questions honestly? Just click the first thing that comes to mind and be frank with yourself? Then, you’ll get a correct result on whether you check the signs and with how much intensity. Disclaimer: though we touch upon a clinical diagnosis of narcissism here, this is not a professional evaluation and is not meant to give you a diagnosis. This is an amateur quiz meant for entertainment purposes only. Please, take the results with a grain of salt and simply have fun. We are not here to insult people; we are here to bring them entertainment and some procrastination fun.
Narcissism Quiz History
About Denis
Denis is a maestro of amusement, curating delightful quizzes and trivia. With a knack for crafting engaging questions, Denis brings laughter and learning together seamlessly. From casual get-togethers to lively events, Denis's quizzes promise an entertaining and educational experience for all. Join in for a fun-filled adventure!