Am I Neurodivergent

By: Ira Kurylenko
Updated: about 1 year ago
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"Neurodivergent" refers to individuals whose brains function or process information differently from what is considered typical. This is where the sister term arrives - neurotypical. Neurodivergent people may have one cognitive condition but usually encompass several of them. These differences can affect their thinking, learning, attention, social interactions, and sensory experiences.

Being neurodivergent is a natural variation of human neurology. Of course, in certain circumstances, it can be a disadvantage (amplified by the social inaptitude to accommodate a different type of thinking). However, neurodiversity is definitely and advantage in other aspects. It gives you a different perspective. Yes, neurodivergent people often have it hard to adapt in the society where everything is built to accommodate the majority. But, at the same time, neurodivergent people are responsible for some amazing projects, discoveries, and scientific works. 

To get a deeper understanding of the term, let’s discuss some of the most common conditions that fall into this umbrella. 

What Is a Neurodivergent Brain? 

neurodivergence quiz

Some of most commonly diagnosed disorders include: 

ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. A developmental disorder characterised by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. People with ADHD have issues with maintaining focus, organising tasks, following instructions, and regulating their impulses.

Autism - another neurodevelop mental disorder that come with a diverse spectrum of signs and anomalies. In general, it includes differences in social communication skills, social anxiety, difficulty to understand and express one’s feelings, and so on. 

Dyslexia - this is a learning disability that often goes undiagnosed for longer than necessary. Children with dyslexia have difficulties reading, writing, and summarizing information. Unfortunately, their disability often goes unrecognized by teachers. 

Dyspraxia - also a disability that is often hiding in plain sight. People with dyspraxia have difficulties with coordination and balance. Time management as well. They are often considered just clumsy. When, in reality, dyspraxia is a disability that affects your functioning in daily life and society. 

Neurotypical vs Neurodivergent

am i neurodivergent quiz

As mentioned before, neurotypical and neurodivergent are sister term created to describe two opposites. 
Neurotypical refers to individuals whose neurological development and functioning align with what is considered typical or within the range of norm. This is the “control group.” 

Neurodivergent refers to individuals whose neurological development and functioning deviate from what is considered typical or neurotypical. This, they do have what is called “developmental disorders.” This is just a variation of cognition contrary to mental illness or intellectual disabilities. Thus, the society should slowly be shifting towards inclusivity and recognition of neurodiversity. Adding a range to learning tools in schools to include the peculiarities of neurodivergent cognition would help such people engage with society better. 

Signs of Neurodivergence in Adults

signs of neurodivergence in adults
  • Difficulty with changes and adapting to new environments. 
  • Hyperfocus on new hobbies, activities, work, and so on. Being obsessed with a subject. 
  • Sensory sensitivities including lights, noise, crowds, textures, and even smells. 
  • Difficulty engaging with society. Feeling alienated and not understanding social constructs. 
  • Difficulty maintaining eye contact. 
  • Nonlinear thinking, unique logical patterns and problem-solving mechanisms. 
  • Emotional regulation and response difficulties. 
These are only a few signs of undiagnosed neurodivergence in adults. If some of them seem familiar to you, please, take this quiz to get a deeper understanding of how your brain works. 

About Ira

Ira Kurylenko

Meet Irene, the quiz mastermind who is constantly pushing the limits of what we know. She is a true quiz connoisseur, crafting brain-bending questions that challenge us to think outside the box. Her quizzes are the perfect blend of fun and educational, making her a fan favorite.