Body Type Quiz: What's Your Somatotype?

By: Denis Priesnov
Updated: 5 months ago
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 Do you know your body type? This information is essential for choosing your diet, training regime, and a healthy lifestyle overall. If you have not thought about what shape your body is or are unsure of it, this quick Body Type quiz will highlight the key signs of one of three distinguished types. If you are thinking about famous body shapes like a pear or an hourglass, this is going in the wrong direction. These all are body shapes that are determined by the proportions of your body parts. Thus, an hourglass is formed when a person has proportionate shoulders and hips while the waist is slim. A pear is a form with a heavier bottom half, mainly hips and thighs. An inverted triangle spots wider shoulders and narrow hips. These are the shapes people use to describe bodies. A body type is completely different. You can be of any shape but a specific type. There are three body types determined by Dr. Sheldon back in the 1940s. There are also known as somatotypes that are determined genetically and, according to Sheldon, cannot be changed. He determined three main somatotypes:
  • endomorph
  • mesomorph
  • ectomorph
Body Type Quiz


 This somatotype is characterized by soft curves and a predisposition to high body fat percentages. Such people easily gain weight rather than lose it. Their shape is characterized by softness and roundness. They are also believed to be of smaller height. They have a broader build overall. Dr. Sheldon also characterized endomorphs as easy-going and extraverted types. 


 This type is characterized by athletic prowess. Such people quickly gain muscles and have more rectangular shapes all over (also including the overall body shape). They have a narrow waist but often spot wider shoulders. Character-wise, the doctor described these people as energetic, dynamic, and somewhat aggressive. 


 The last type is the thinnest of all. These people find it hard to gain weight and are not prone to building big muscles. They are taller and have longer limbs overall. Their chest is usually narrow, as well as wrists and ankles. This is the most introverted type of the three. It was described as sensitive and thoughtful. While it is customary to determine only these three types and stick to them, the reality shows us that there are lots of people in-between the groups. In fact, I’d say that the majority of people show somewhat mixed signs, and pure types are rare. Thus, if you find it hard to determine your body type on your own, it’s perfectly natural. You may have thinner joints but gain weight easily. You may be lanky but find it easy and enjoyable to build impressive muscles. This body type test aims not to fit you into the strict type and say "that is all". Here, we’ll under the dominant type of your physique as one always shows more. Later, you can use this information to choose the best training and dieting regimes for your personal needs! Speaking of beauty, have we met before? You look just like a star! Take this celebrity quiz to find out which one! 

Body Type Quiz: What's Your Somatotype? Questions

body type quiz What is your size?
  • 4-8

  • 10-14

  • 16-26

Body Type Quiz Are you on a diet right now?
  • no

  • yes

  • just maintaining a balanced healthy diet

body type quiz How often do you do dieting to loose weight?
  • once in a while

  • several times a year

  • I'm almost constantly on a diet

  • I don't need that

body type quiz Do you have an active lifestyle?
  • yes, very

  • just an average

  • no, I'm not active

body type quiz When you gain weight, does your upper or lower body gain more fat?
  • upper

  • lower

  • evenly

  • I wish I could gain weight!

Body Type Quiz Do you have thin wrists?
  • yes, I can easily wrap my fingers around them

  • they are average, I think

  • no, I cannt wrap my fingers and close them

body type quiz Do you have broad shoulders?
  • yes

  • no

  • I have no idea, they are well-proportionate to my body

body type quiz Do you enjoy cardio training?
  • yes, I love it

  • no, I'm getting tired too easily

  • I just hate it

body type quiz Are you tall?
  • yes, rather tall

  • just an average height for my gender

  • no, I'm short

body type quiz Do you find it harder to gain or to lose weight?
  • to gain

  • to lose

  • equally hard/easy

body type quiz Is your diet healthy?
  • most of the time, but I indulge in not so useful food from time to time

  • yes, totally healthy

  • not super healthy, but I eat lots of veggies at least

  • no, I eat lots of junk food

body type quiz As a child, you were...
  • always chubby

  • just an average kid, I guess

  • lanky

body type quiz If you eat a lot of carbs in a day, what do you feel?
  • I'll regret it tomorrow

  • hmm, yummy

  • no worries, a bit of workout and everything would be okay

  • I'll just have to heat super heathy tomorrow

body type quiz Can you loose 10 pounds just by a diet?
  • yes

  • no, it'll be very hard

  • it won't be easy, but I can manage

body type quiz Is your body more sharp, curvy, or athletic?
  • sharp

  • curvy

  • athletic

  • somewhere in-between

body type quiz Are your fingers slim?
  • yes

  • slim and long!

  • they are a bit chubby

  • they are just average

body type quiz What is your body shape?
  • pear

  • hourglass

  • inverted triangle

  • rectangle

  • diamond

body type quiz How many times a day do you eat?
  • 1-2

  • 2-3

  • 3-4

  • 5+

body type quiz What are body types of your parents?
  • they are both thin and tall

  • they are short and plumpy

  • they are average height and weight

  • they are tall and on the heavier side

  • short and thin

  • they have compltely different physiques

body type quiz Can you tone up in a month?
  • yes, easily

  • only if I push myself really hard

  • not so fast

About Denis

Denis Priesnov

Denis is a maestro of amusement, curating delightful quizzes and trivia. With a knack for crafting engaging questions, Denis brings laughter and learning together seamlessly. From casual get-togethers to lively events, Denis's quizzes promise an entertaining and educational experience for all. Join in for a fun-filled adventure!