Discover Your Dating Style with the Smile Dating Test

By: Ana Rinkevich
Updated: 5 months ago
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Ever find yourself scratching your head over your approach to dating? Believe me, I completely understand - navigating the dating sphere can feel like trying to solve a Rubik’s cube blindfolded.

It's a kaleidoscope of emotions and details. That's why I felt like Columbus discovering America when I came across the Smile Dating Test. This trending quiz doesn't just illuminate our custom-made dating styles and tendencies - it also boosts our comprehension of romance.

Intrigued enough to lean in closer? Let's unravel the charm this tantalizing test holds!
smiling dating test

What is the Smile Dating Test and Why It’s So Viral?

The Smile Dating Test is a playful, engaging quiz designed to explore your personality traits in the context of dating and relationships. It is an interactive tool that uses questions to tap into your romantic preferences, communication styles, and what makes you genuinely smile when it comes to love matters.

This test isn't about right or wrong answers. Instead, it shines a light on your romantic preferences and attitudes toward relationships. By examining what makes you smile in various dating experiences, the test reveals deeper aspects of your dating style and personal values.

The 16 Personalities as Smiles 

This test is based on Myers-Briggs personality types. Each of the 16 personalities can be likened to a unique smile. Just like smiles, dating styles vary from person to person. Some may have a flirty and playful grin, while others may have a more reserved and mysterious smirk:

· ENTJ/Gold: These people radiate authority and love to take charge in any situation they may come across. Challenges? Bring them on!
· ENTP/Rose red: In relationships and communication styles, you are open-minded communicators who love intellectual conversations.
· INFJ/Violet: Your introversion helps you focus on inner experiences. You prefer quality time with your partner to reflect and recharge.
· INFP/Lilac: You love exploring new ideas and possibilities, constantly seeking inspiration from the world around you.
· ENFJ/Rose gold: Your empathetic nature allows you to offer support and guidance when needed and you are driven by a genuine desire to help those around you.
· ENFP/Yellow: You make decisions based on your emotions and value harmonious relationships with your partner.
· ISTJ/Grey: This type is known for being independent, responsible, and detail-oriented. You thrive in structured environments where attention to detail is crucial.
· ISFJ/White: You tend to be quiet and reserved in social situations, preferring to listen rather than speak up. Your attention to detail and strong sense of responsibility make you a reliable partner.
· ESTJ/Brown: This personality type is known for being practical, organized, and dependable. In relationships, you value loyalty and reliability above all else.
· ESFJ/Pale pink: Being a feeling type means that you make decisions based on your values and emotions. You prioritize harmony and seek to create a positive atmosphere in your interactions with others.
· ISTP/Earth tones: These are independent and original individuals who value their freedom. They have an analytical and logical mindset, always seeking to understand how things work.
· ISFP/Turquoise: You have a strong sense of empathy and tend to be highly attuned to emotions, both your own and your partner’s. When it comes to decision-making, you rely on your gut instincts rather than logical analysis.
· ESTP/Cherry red: Your extraverted nature means you gain energy from social interactions. You are adventurous and spontaneous, especially in love relationships.
· ESFP/Orange: These individuals are often described as fun-loving, spontaneous, and enthusiastic. They have a natural ability to connect with people and make them feel comfortable in their presence.
· INTJ/Deep purple: These are independent thinkers who love to explore new ideas. They rely on their intuition and logical thinking to analyze information and solve problems.
· INTP/Galaxy palette: This type is known for its independent and original thinking. They rely on careful analysis and logical reasoning to understand the world around them.
smile dating test k test

What Can the Smile Dating Test Reveal?

The Smile Dating Test can reveal insights into your dating personality, including your strengths and vices, desires and preferences in relationships, and how to use the test for self-discovery and improving relationships.

So unleash your inner dating guru and discover your unique dating style with the Smile Dating Test. Dive into the world of smiles, personalities, and relationships as you explore what makes you tick in the dating world!

Discover Your Dating Style with the Smile Dating Test Questions

smile dating test quiz How do you feel about sudden unplanned meetings?
  • I ignore it if I have other plans

  • Depends on the person

  • I'll come, why not?

smiley dating test How long do your relationships usually last?
  • One date

  • 2-3 month

  • 1 year

  • 2-3 years and more

k test smile dating test What do you consider to be your weakness in relationships?
  • I tend to be overprotective

  • I hate boredom and predictability

  • I'm too practical and lack romantic gestures

  • Lack of trust and jealousy

  • I always try to stay independent

  • I'm too sincere and open-minded

dating smile test How do you behave after a fight with your partner?
  • I pretend that nothing happened

  • I apologize first

  • Just wait for my partner to apologize first

  • Depends on the situation

smile dating test quiz How carefully do you choose your date outfit?
  • It doesn't matter for me at all

  • I usually spend 5-10 minutes to pick something nice

  • I can spend hours looking for something extraordinary

smile dating test k test Do you consider kissing on the first date?
  • Yes, if we have chemistry

  • No, I'll wait for a second date

  • No, I'll wait a couple of weeks

smiling dating test What does love mean to you?
  • Something inspiring and intriguing

  • Feeling of stability

  • Sincere and intimate feeling

  • Something fun and spicy

  • Loyalty and responsibility

smile dating test k test What movie genre do you like most?
  • Thriller

  • Drama

  • Comedy

  • Horror

  • Romance

  • Fantasy

smile dating test What was your last relationship like?
  • Too good to be true

  • Casual Tinder match

  • Painful and toxic

  • Loving and caring

smile test How do you behave when your partner is sad?
  • Try to support him/her as much as I can

  • I make them laugh and forget about troubles

  • Offer my help and try to solve their problems

  • Bring cookies and ice cream for an intimate conversation

smile dating test What is the most important thing for you in a relationship?
  • Trust and loyalty

  • Care and support

  • Fun and positive energy

  • Authority and control

  • Romance and intimacy

dating smiling test How do you usually conquer your crush?
  • Just wait until they notice me

  • Openly ask him/her out

  • Try to do something spontaneous to surprise them

  • I act gradually with a careful plan

  • Do something stupid but romantic

smiley dating test What traits are essential for you in your partner?
  • Independence and respect

  • Passion and spontaniety

  • Loyalty and support

  • Kindness and romance

  • Empathy and care

smiley date test Describe your perfect first date:
  • Romantic dinner

  • Movie night

  • Guitar and stargazing

  • Board games and snacks

  • Hiking or bike ride

dating smiling test How do you usually cope with breakups?
  • Move on quickly, don't think about the past

  • Try to find peace inside me

  • Dive into work or study

  • Stay with close people not to feel lonely

  • Find a Tinder match or two

k test smile dating test Describe your love language:
  • Acts of service

  • Surprises and gifts

  • Physical touch

  • words of affirmation

k test smile dating test Do you like to surprise your partner and get surprises in return?
  • Sometimes, it depends

  • I hate surprises

  • Yes, I love surprises in all forms

smile dating test How do you feel about personal boundaries in relationships?
  • relationships don't need boundaries

  • I respect my and my partner's personal space

  • Sometimes I need boundaries, but it's not always necessary

smile date test Do you fall in love quickly?
  • Not sure I've ever fallen in love

  • It takes a moment

  • After a few dates

date smiley test What do you like to do on the weekend?
  • Stay in bed watching TV

  • parties with friends

  • Have a date night

  • Read a book, do some crafts

  • Enjoy calm family and friend time

About Ana

Ana Rinkevich

Hi, quiz lovers! I'm Ana, and I can't imagine my morning coffee without scrolling new quizzes. So I started writing them. Eleanor Roosevelt once said, "I think, at a child's birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift should be curiosity." I'm sure that curiosity is our most powerful tool to learn the world around us and inside us. And quizzes are the most curious way to learn a bit of everything. So don't waste your time. Pick a quiz, and let's find out your today's score!